February being my birthday month would seem to be my best month of the year, only it's not. The build up to another year off the clock culminates through expectations unlived and unfulfilled. I wonder about old dreams and goals and bury myself in excuses of their unimportance, but that believability thing kicks in. When you are six the idea of watching wrestlers perform on television is exciting and you are caught up in the myth. When you reach my age the spectacle of a returning actor back to WWE wrestler only makes me feel sadness for him. I somehow doubt that this was his preferred career decision. Then I feel even worse because I had it on my television in the first place. I think that is desperation I smell cooking by the way. You see someone break away from what appears a career path pre-destined and making a name for himself only to abandon those efforts when things don't go as planned.
I have to also realize that being ill with some brutal congestive head cold can affect my thinking. I can barely breath and keep my head from imploding under the force of the pressure inside of it. I'm wondering about that pop rocks and diet soda idea right now. Does anyone still sell pop rocks? Maybe I will throw a few mentos in there for good measure. Is that my brain on fire I smell cooking?

I won't keep rambling because my attempt at a profound and inspiring post has been sullied by Happy Days. Tomorrow is another day and Annie is getting a remake and I'm sure we aren't too far from a Gone with the Wind remake and Scarlett O'Hara being cast. And with Hollywood's great casting, do I smell Oscar for Megan Fox? Thanks for reading for the last year and I'll promise to add more in depth knowledge and perspective the next go around or I'll just jump in the water. Who needs pop rocks?
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